The Polar Bear Riders Monthly meeting is held on the first Sunday of each month. The meetings are held at 6 pm in the lower meeting room of the Historic Hortonville Community Hall. (312 W. Main street) Please feel free to join us. Bring a friend if you’d like. Your say means a lot in our club. Help make this year the best that it can be!
Club History To Come, If you have any history with the club or photos, please contact Michelle at
Please join us at one of our upcoming events. The Polarbear Riders Snowmobile Club holds fundraising events to support our local trail system. Signage, brushing, grooming and trail maintenance is a direct benefit of funds the club raises.
You will receive a listing in the Wisconsin Snowmobile News (WSN), the official magazine of the AWSC. The WSN is distributed seven times a year (Sept - March) of which three issues (Oct, Dec & Feb) contain business listings. In addition, your business will be highlighted on our website for the length of your membership (12 months).
You will receive the same benefits as the Standard Listing and the AWSC will provide a hot link to your business website.
Youth Memberships are available by clicking the 'Youth Membership Application' button at the top of this page. Form must be printed out and mailed in and include guardian's signature.